From Want to is what? - implications in “i” environment

PS: Don’t come to a conclusion that the author is a maverick in management concepts. He is just a mediocre student.

Hey, it’s again a long break – yet I managed to write something, am sure this is thought provoking concept for those who wish to raise the bars. Yes, it is not only a thought provoking but also a better way to position our-self in this “Free” environment. Before going much detail in to the concept of marketing, let’s remember the basic ground where we stand that need and want are the basic verbs that lies in the root of any management.

There is a huge difference between wanting what you want and needing what you want, and both are just emotional states that you need to be aware of. If you are on the path toward attracting what you want, you must be careful not to allow yourself to slip into the negative emotional state of neediness. There is a horrible and vicious mindset among humans that many of the things we have we need when in reality, there is only a few things we actually need and the rest are things we want. There is nothing wrong with wanting; however, allowing yourself to believe that you need something will only stop you from getting it.

Let’s see how it works? Most people spend way too much money on things they don’t really need. The more money we make, the more we tend to spend. This endless cycle of materialism has led many people to confuse the word “need” with the word “want.” As in, “we need a big-screen TV for our new home theater.” Or, “I need a new pair of shoes to go with my new outfit.” We can’t ignore this state as it had become an integral part of our culture, character, etc.

Here comes the gyan!!

And the most interesting part that i wish you to “THINK”. Did anyone had a query, is there anything next to Need? If my needs are satisfied, will I be happy? Certainly you will not be, esp. in this environment of “2.0”. Then what stuff does falls behind need. It’s “CAN”. Yes, YOU CAN. After you CAN do something, you SHOULD do some other things too. If you SHOULD, then there comes FEAR. Confused??? Yes, let me explain it in brief. You CAN mean, after getting all you need, you tend to exhibit some properties which depicts your transformation of your psychological transformation. Yes, you get passion, you share, distribute, market, do whatever you want to make sure that you pull the crowd.

You CAN CREATE. This has become possible with the help of web2.0. Early we were dependent on books and lectures for information, latter we need encyclopaedias to refer a huge chunk of data. After dat, we clearly told the world that we not only consume but also we create. (e.g. content creation in Wikipedia) am sure by this time you all agree with this. Am sure, only in “i” environment you will find this (i have no idea abt the same with other environment)

Let’s discuss about SHOULD and FEAR in my following posts. !!!


Viji said…
Well said Sundar! thought provoking one...
Thanks viiji,actually this is part of my new research."if all goes well,my end result would give a different aspect" Lemme see what happens....
jayanthan said…

wat happened to u sundar suddenly .I think u had woken up from a strange nightmare before u wrote this blog.I agree to a certain extent that marketers are blamed to create needs rather than facilitating wants.Of course there r certain gimmicks played by the advertising wizards who actually provoke the instinct in us and make the customer feel perplexed about what he actually wants.i cannot agree on with the nxt acronymn word "CAN" .See there are certain things which wont change and that is the basic needs .we only put it in different words ,but food is goin to be food and shelter is goin to be shelter. but really u have made me think . Gud TCsian
Hi Jeyanthan...thanks for Pinging cum thinking....All my analogy are with specific ref to "i" environment, and up to some extent it is possible in our conventional environment too. We are no more consumers in any market,As Prosumers,all our needs are taking a second leap called "CAN"

Thanks for the Post,DMSians(SOMite)
Viji said…
why not much posts these days?
srikanth said…
Good one but the same differs a lot in other environments...Its a kinda KEYNESIAN theory of INCOME explains it....

U arent a medicore student u maverick

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